Saturday, February 19, 2005

Ruffling some feathers: Shaking Up Midland

When I originally set out to start a blog, it was my intention to talk about my poetry, my writing, my aikido experiences and my life.

"Blogging for Midland" has, it seems, taken on a life all its own.

I've been told by my wife that she is impressed that so many people are interested in what I have to say and that my work here and on the Midland Forums has gotten people thinking. Others have pat me on the back and have encouraged me to keep going. Still others... well, they're waiting and hoping I'll fall flat on my face! ;)

What is most important here is not objectivity. Anyone can be objective. Reporters are supposed to be, but rarely are it seems. What is most important here is not fairness. I am ONE PERSON and can not count on, nor rely on anyone to back me up. Whether you agree with me or not, I need to be able to stand alone. No. What is most important in all of this, in my opinion, is Courage of Conviction. I need to see everything I say... through to the very end.

Does this mean I will plant my feet and never change? No. Often times I have had debates with people and seen them win me over to their side. Should I ever slip down to name calling or making generalized attacks? I think everyone knows me better than that. I have my moments of "Foot-in-Mouth" disease, but thankfully it is recoverable.

So... I need to stand by my convictions? I can do that. I will promise to read, listen, think about and try to understand. But in exchange I will also ask the same. Those who see fit to just blindly attack me will be met with disinterest. They have no power over me that I don't give them already... and I won't give it up that easily. No, meet me on an even field and say what you've come to say. If you use logic and reason and facts, we'll talk. If not, I'll walk. It is as simple as that. I can and will respect anyone and everyone that can meet me with these terms. And I also look forward to such an opportunity.



Anonymous said...


Welcome to the blogosphere. It appears that you have already discovered that the strength of the blogosphere is not based on the objectivity or even the expertise of any individual participants. (Or even a relative handful of participants.)

That is what describes the mainstream press.

The blogosphere's strength is in its diversity and in its free access both by "publishers" and "consumers"....and in its sheer numbers.

In ten minutes time I can locate more true blogging experts on any subject than what the mainstream press can deliver to me. Moreover, which experts are delivered to me is not based on the decision of a few (or even many times one) news editors.

It is the truest, freest marketplace for ideas and opinions ever.

Our two blogs (I sense) will have differing opinions on many local issues. Five years ago, you would fire off a Letter to the Editor and hope it got printed and I would do the same. If we hit the super-duper jackpot we managed to get a whole "Speaking Out" column...with a byline picture!

The balance of the information on our opposing views provided the public would be based on the decisions of less than ten news editors in the area from roughly four news agencies.

Just five years ago.


Site Admin

M. Chad Durham said...

Glad to have you around! Keep it up and as time goes by your blog will find its own identity. Just stay true to yourself and it will be great!

Pancho said...

Since you're getting your feet wet, I might point you to a new "Texas" effort that we have created mainly through the efforts of in Corpus Christi.

Texas Bloggers focuses on items of interest and issues around the state. Give it a look....and join if you feel the call...