Friday, September 26, 2008


I know it's been a while since I've been here, but hear me out on this:

It's time to get LOUD, MAD, and in the face of Capital Hill... RIGHT FREAKING NOW!

Politics is an ugly business. Anyone involved is automatically a liar because you are forced to vote for "bills" that have little hitches in them that you would NEVER vote for, except for the fact that it's in there and it ain't coming out. (ear marks, pork spending, etc.)

So here we are, about 50 days away from the presidential election, and the economy is taking a nose-dive into oblivion. Why is this? Well, let's follow the money. Less than 10 years ago, "regulations" were changed so that lending institutions and investment houses could keep less liquid capital (cash) on hand, and thereby invest more money into other things. However, the reason for keeping cash on hand is so that if the economy ever hits a snag, you can roll with the punches. Right? Well... enter the snag.

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were lending money like crazy. Loans were made to people that should have never been given a loan, and just as soon as they cried "uncle" and foreclosures started to happen... guess what? Notes got called. Notes on loans that were not backed up with anything other than paper. Now look at what's happening: Merrill Lynch, Lehmann Bros., WaMu, and others we don't even know about yet are all screaming in fear of hell breaking loose.

The Dow Jones, nothing but an indicator of what is to come, is swinging drastically, hundreds of points in either direction, because no one knows what the hell is going on. ENTER: Congress.

Democrats: "We're gonna fix it!"
Republicans: "We're gonna fix it!"
Both of 'em secretly: "we're gonna fix it and pad our 'special interest' buddies pockets" wink wink

I sware, if we don't start getting out some of the old wood, and get in some new blood, we're going to see worse than a tanking economy in the next ten years. People like Reed, Pelosi, Kennedy, Frank, and the rest of them... are doing NOTHING but GETTING IN THE WAY!!!

Why else would congress have an "approval rating" of 9. Yes, NINE. On a scale of 1 to 100, 9% is all they get. You know what THAT means? In a democrat led congress, even the DEMOCRATS hate them!! BUSH, who all demorats hate, has a higher approval rating... and he's ticking me OFF right now!! "Let's bail out Fannie and Freddie." uh... excuse me? When a company goes under, they go UNDER. Bankrupt. Kaput. Dead. Then someone comes along, buys them out, and sells off the company for parts. But OH NO... not Uncle Sam! We're gonna buy this thing, and profit from it ourselves (the government) and leave things JUST LIKE THEY ALREADY ARE!!! Setting themselves up for yet ANOTHER LOSS!!!

Damn it people, get Mad! Remember Eddie Chiles, and all the bumper stickers that said, "I'm mad too, Eddie!"? He was mad over gas prices and how liberals were beating up on the oil companies. We'll, it's beyond that now. Not only is oil up, it's WAY up. Gas is up. Food costs are up. Demand in the world is up, and nothing can be done about that. However, congress is tying the hands of oil companies so we can't even refine the oil we have RIGHT HERE!! Do you realize, we literally export crude oil, and import the refined stuff? TRUE STORY! Yet one more reason for congress to get the hell outta the way!

As if the oil crisis weren't enough, the mortgage crisis is now upon us, this is already effecting the banks and investment industry, this will then domino into God only knows what... and we're left holding the bag. AND WHY? WHY ARE THINGS SO BAD???

Congress. It's high freaking time that we start OUSTING the damn people in congress. Impeach the President? The hell! Impeach Congress! They want to launch investigations into steroids, into pork spending (that they did themselves), into pictures on the internet of POW's being embaressed, HELL! Harry Reed tried to get an investigation going on Rush Freaking Limbaugh who did nothing more than point out the TRUTH about how REED has his hands into CORUPTION in Nevada real estate!!! And what did Rush do? He got his hands on the letter that Reed wrote, auctioned it off on e-bay, and raised millions for veterans and their families.

Take that, Harry!

I'm serious, people. If we don't CHECK congress in November, we're all going to hell in a handbasket. At the rate things are moving right now, I feel safe in predicting a second civil war in my lifetime. Washington D.C. is so outta whack, short of a civil war, I don't know what else can change it. I'd run for congress myself, if I weren't so scared of getting sucked into the b.s. too! Or being seen as politically impotent due to the powers that already "BE."

Get mad, people. Get loud, and get mad. And tell your rep's to do the same. Conaway! That means you, too! I want to see you on the news, red in the face for all the yelling I want to hear.

Get after it!