People looking for work are often times checking the Sunday classifieds for help wanted postings, and who can blame them? That is the day most businesses will post an ad looking for help. Any given Sunday will always have ads searching for nurses, truck drivers, welders, administrative assistants, and much more.
lately though, help wanted ads in Midland are growing on an almost daily basis. Restaurants are looking for management personnel. Oil companies are looking for rig hands, mud loggers and salesmen of all kinds. Car dealers are experiencing a big demand for more sales personnel and Cingular has an almost constant ad running for more Customer Service people for their call center.
The growth in Midland is undeniable, and it will only continue to grow. Toyota has a truck manufacturing plant opening up in San Antonio next year and very soon, the supply companies that will feed that factory will be showing up in droves. New construction in Midland is at a level that has not been seen since the great boom of the 80's and shows no signs of slowing down. Retailers are arriving in Midland, along with new resturants and city/county development. Midland is really a great place to be right now!
Drop by the MRT Classifieds on-line at: There are various searches that can be done to find something just right for you... and believe me, it's out there!
Whoa, I came stumbled on a blog pretty similar to yours earlier today. I also have one that pretty much talks about free classified ad blaster related stuff. You should check it out sometime.
Greetings from El Paso...
We've been hearing about jobs around Midland, and now there's a big billboard advertising odessaworks on the I-10 highway (next to cielo vista mall). Rumor mill has it jobs are paying $17 plus in your area... that blows away MOST $$$$ jobs here.
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