Courtesy of Merriam-Webster On-line Dictionary
Main Entry:
Middle English integrite, from Middle French & Latin; Middle French integrité, from Latin integritat-, integritas, from integr-, integer entire
14th century
1 : firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values : incorruptibility
2 : an unimpaired condition : soundness
3 : the quality or state of being complete or undivided : completeness
synonyms see honesty
Firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values.
Question: What "code" of moral values do you look toward for guidence? The Bible? Koran? Torah? How about in your profession, do you uphold a professional code of ethics as a doctor? lawyer? business professional?
When I was in the Boy Scouts, many years ago, we had a candle lighting ceremony where we lit candles as we read about the Boy Scout pleadge: "A Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty,brave, clean, and reverent." When we got to 'brave,' the candle decided to melt and drip on my hand. It was hot... damn hot. BUT, I bit my lip and was brave. I endured the moment's worth of pain in order to have a story to tell you now. I was once brave when it mattered a lot... to me.
I still think back on those values from time to time: trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient. Let's stop there. Kind? I can admit I could do better there. Obedient? That depends on to whom, and why do I owe them my obedience. For the most part, I can think for myself and that can get me in trouble... when "obedience" might have served me better. Cheerful? eh... sometimes, though there is a synic alive and well in me. Thrifty? Work in progress. Brave? Yup. Covered that. Clean? Sure! Just don't look at my desk! Reverent? That's a matter of opinion. God and I know each other well enough to know where I stand, but other's might have an opinion on my "reverence."
So, getting back to Integrity, "where are you going with this, John?"
Good question, thanks for asking.
And while your at it, that is my point: Ask yourself what guide you use for a moral compass? A Scout pledge? Code of Ethics in your profession? Can you remember one line from that "code?"
I was just thinking, words have a meaning. Codes... have meaning. If there is a "code" in your life, whether it be the classic "Ten Commandments" or something else, why not go refresh yourself a bit? It never hurts to freshen up a bit.
This public service announcement brought to you by a busy-body with far too much on his mind than he can ever spill at one time. Remember? I'm still working on the obedience thing. And cheerful... and reverent.... and get outta here. But hurry back!
In the heart of the Tall City roams a man on the prowl. Hunting, seeking and searching, a doorway finally opens to where he has found access to all he has ever dreamed: a bullhorn for his imagination!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Friday, February 15, 2008
Presidential race? Vote : None of the Above
I'm sorry, but I gotta tell ya... I'm just not happy with our (limited) choices this time around for President of the United States.
On the one hand, we have John McCain as the leading contender for the Republican party. However, he's for amnesty for immigrants, spends money like everyone else in D.C., fouled up the campaign contribution world of politics with his "fix" of it, and will make a deal with a Democrat, and stab his own party in the back... at the drop of a hat.
Then we have Hillary and Obama. Obama is inspirational. I kinda like the guy. His heart is in the right place but he has no experience, and what he DOES have experience in doesn't amount to a hill of beans. Hillary, on the other hand, has all KINDS of experience: cheating lying husband, dirty back-room law deals, takes money from anyone willing to hand it out... only to later deny knowing who they are or what they do when you KNOW she knows. And what has she "fought" for all her career? Status. The whole thing is just a game to her. She didn't want to be Senator Clinton from New York! She wanted to be Senator Clinton... candidate for President of the United States!
That was her one and only purpose from the word go, and you & I know it.
So what do we do?
Well, first of all, come March, I'm still voting for Romney. I think he KNOWS more than all 3 others will ever hope to know about business, finance, budgets, spending, etc. I think he is a moral man and will "do the right thing" no matter what that might mean. And then, come November, I'm strongly leaning toward taking my voter registration card to the nearest news camera... making sure they are filming me... and burning it.
Yes, that's right. Burn it.
To hell with the "system" because it's broken. Since when did "taking the lesser of two evils" become a good thing and not an evil thing to do? If you have to vote for Lucifer or Lord Sauron as the next President of the United States, why are we voting for Lucifer? Because we know our real guy will beat him in the end?
How's about we vote for neither? Better yet... don't vote! Let's all protest next November 4th, or whatever day it might be, and tell Washington D.C. we choose NONE OF YOU!!!
Choosing the lesser of two evils? Sounds evil to me. It is evil to choose... because either way, your choice was wrong. Damn wrong.
Just something to ponder. I welcome comments on this... any and all will be welcome and posted.
On the one hand, we have John McCain as the leading contender for the Republican party. However, he's for amnesty for immigrants, spends money like everyone else in D.C., fouled up the campaign contribution world of politics with his "fix" of it, and will make a deal with a Democrat, and stab his own party in the back... at the drop of a hat.
Then we have Hillary and Obama. Obama is inspirational. I kinda like the guy. His heart is in the right place but he has no experience, and what he DOES have experience in doesn't amount to a hill of beans. Hillary, on the other hand, has all KINDS of experience: cheating lying husband, dirty back-room law deals, takes money from anyone willing to hand it out... only to later deny knowing who they are or what they do when you KNOW she knows. And what has she "fought" for all her career? Status. The whole thing is just a game to her. She didn't want to be Senator Clinton from New York! She wanted to be Senator Clinton... candidate for President of the United States!
That was her one and only purpose from the word go, and you & I know it.
So what do we do?
Well, first of all, come March, I'm still voting for Romney. I think he KNOWS more than all 3 others will ever hope to know about business, finance, budgets, spending, etc. I think he is a moral man and will "do the right thing" no matter what that might mean. And then, come November, I'm strongly leaning toward taking my voter registration card to the nearest news camera... making sure they are filming me... and burning it.
Yes, that's right. Burn it.
To hell with the "system" because it's broken. Since when did "taking the lesser of two evils" become a good thing and not an evil thing to do? If you have to vote for Lucifer or Lord Sauron as the next President of the United States, why are we voting for Lucifer? Because we know our real guy will beat him in the end?
How's about we vote for neither? Better yet... don't vote! Let's all protest next November 4th, or whatever day it might be, and tell Washington D.C. we choose NONE OF YOU!!!
Choosing the lesser of two evils? Sounds evil to me. It is evil to choose... because either way, your choice was wrong. Damn wrong.
Just something to ponder. I welcome comments on this... any and all will be welcome and posted.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Welcome to Midland, everyone from North Dakota, Idaho, Michigan, California, Montana, Wyoming, Florida...
Seriously, this is a quick "Howdy!" and a "Welcome to the party!" to everyone new to Midland from other states. I've seen nearly a dozen different state license plates in the last week. Yesterday, I even saw a car (jeep?) from Alaska. So welcome to you eskimos too!
On the downside, traffic is backing up and getting a little more crazy around here. So if anyone out there has issues with Midland growing? expanding? developing? Might I encourage you to drive from downtown Midland to ... oh, I dunno, the mall perhaps? or Loop 250 and Midland drive? Yeah, do that. Drive from downtown Midland to Loop 250 and Midland Drive... and see how long it takes you.
You can even take the loop if you want, but don't say I didn't warn ya. ;)
Welcome to one and all! Now grab a hammer, we got some building to do around here!
On the downside, traffic is backing up and getting a little more crazy around here. So if anyone out there has issues with Midland growing? expanding? developing? Might I encourage you to drive from downtown Midland to ... oh, I dunno, the mall perhaps? or Loop 250 and Midland drive? Yeah, do that. Drive from downtown Midland to Loop 250 and Midland Drive... and see how long it takes you.
You can even take the loop if you want, but don't say I didn't warn ya. ;)
Welcome to one and all! Now grab a hammer, we got some building to do around here!
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Basic Energy : Congratulations!
Congrats to Basic Energy of Midland! After years of hard work, and the benefits thereof, they have made such progress as to warrant two new buildings and are laying the groundwork for development in downtown Midland.
Basic recently aquired the "Hightower Building" downtown on Illinois Street, as well as another office building and the old and infamous "Belt Buckle building" next door on Illinois. They had a ground-breaking ceremony this past Friday on their plans to level the old BBB and put up a new structure in its place. We know parking will be involved in their new plans, but dare we hope for a new resturant location? or perhaps some shops of some kind? Tons of potential... literally.
Work is still going forward on Big Spring St. and Texas where two builds were leveled. It is my understanding the Metro building and adjacent bank on the corner of Colorado and Texas will soon meet their maker and also be demolished. Now... if we can ever get the MMMD to make up their mind on tearing down the old Midland Savings on the corner of Wall and Colorado, then we'd have some serious prime real estate just ripe for development down there!
Still no word on the old Vaughn building becoming Midland Sky Tower. I haven't given up hope for it. With Midland making national news as frequently as we are, we're due for about 5 to 10 more good years of growth.
Did anyone ever doubt me? All my predictions about Midland and its future growth?
Of course not. Who would dare doubt me? ;)
Have a great week!
Basic recently aquired the "Hightower Building" downtown on Illinois Street, as well as another office building and the old and infamous "Belt Buckle building" next door on Illinois. They had a ground-breaking ceremony this past Friday on their plans to level the old BBB and put up a new structure in its place. We know parking will be involved in their new plans, but dare we hope for a new resturant location? or perhaps some shops of some kind? Tons of potential... literally.
Work is still going forward on Big Spring St. and Texas where two builds were leveled. It is my understanding the Metro building and adjacent bank on the corner of Colorado and Texas will soon meet their maker and also be demolished. Now... if we can ever get the MMMD to make up their mind on tearing down the old Midland Savings on the corner of Wall and Colorado, then we'd have some serious prime real estate just ripe for development down there!
Still no word on the old Vaughn building becoming Midland Sky Tower. I haven't given up hope for it. With Midland making national news as frequently as we are, we're due for about 5 to 10 more good years of growth.
Did anyone ever doubt me? All my predictions about Midland and its future growth?
Of course not. Who would dare doubt me? ;)
Have a great week!
Friday, February 08, 2008
Happy Anniversery, Blogging for Midland!
Yes indeed. Three years ago today, I started a blog that has been rather interesting to me. I've met people across the nation, found readers who are friends, neighbors, and even my "betters!" (notice I didn't say "elders?" *grin*)
I was thinking the other day how I need to change up the content a bit. Last few posts have seemed a little repetitious. But I've learned something over the years, something that aikido and real estate each have taught me very well: repeat, repeat, repeat.
You can't try something once and think you understand it. You can't attempt anything once, and "know" you know're just kidding yourself. You can't advertise "here and there" and expect people to know who you are.
"Good things come to those who PERSIST."
Remember that. It's a truth that I came across years ago when I was the wandering philosopher I once was. I was pondering the thought of "good things come to those who wait," when it occured to me: the hell it does!
You can wait your whole life for Mr. (Ms.) Right to come along, and you'll never see them. You can wait your whole life for the perfect job, perfect house, perfect (fill in the blank here) and guess what? You'll miss it, not see it, let it get away, think it is something else all together... and you'd be wrong.
No, good things do NOT come to those who wait. It comes to those who persist. You have to work FOR something, TOWARDS something, in the general DIRECTION of something.
In this world, you can either be the Cause of your life, or the Effect of it. Ever heard the saying," God helps those who help themselves?" You have to give God something to work with in order for God to Work It!
There is another saying that drives me absolutely batty: "I guess it was just meant to be." You hear this all the time from reality t.v. people, and so many others. The DANGER in this particular thought is... you are placing yourself in the position to be the effect of any and every outcome situation there might be. How terrible is that?
Car breaks down? Meant to be.
Lose your job? Meant to be.
Go into bankruptcy? Meant to be.
Divorce? Meant to be.
Uh.... EEEHHH! Wrong. You could have budgeted and fixed your car. You could have come in early, stayed late, work through lunch or bring the boss lunch to save your job. You could have not charged up a dozen credit cards to AVOID bankruptcy. And you could have done a million different things to work on saving your marriage, but I'll grant you this... it takes two to make a marriage work, so sometimes it can be another's fault.
BUT... point is, don't just sit back and take it. Get out there and work for what you want. NAME the thing you want so you know, without a doubt, what it is you are going after. WANT what you just named. Do you REALLY want that? or are you just mentioning it because it is what someone else expects you to say? Ya gotta want it. Finally, ya gotta go for the gusto. GET what you want. Don't sit back and wait for it to happen along... go, go, go!
Okay, I'm getting preachy again.
Just think about it!
"Good things come to those who persist."
I was thinking the other day how I need to change up the content a bit. Last few posts have seemed a little repetitious. But I've learned something over the years, something that aikido and real estate each have taught me very well: repeat, repeat, repeat.
You can't try something once and think you understand it. You can't attempt anything once, and "know" you know're just kidding yourself. You can't advertise "here and there" and expect people to know who you are.
"Good things come to those who PERSIST."
Remember that. It's a truth that I came across years ago when I was the wandering philosopher I once was. I was pondering the thought of "good things come to those who wait," when it occured to me: the hell it does!
You can wait your whole life for Mr. (Ms.) Right to come along, and you'll never see them. You can wait your whole life for the perfect job, perfect house, perfect (fill in the blank here) and guess what? You'll miss it, not see it, let it get away, think it is something else all together... and you'd be wrong.
No, good things do NOT come to those who wait. It comes to those who persist. You have to work FOR something, TOWARDS something, in the general DIRECTION of something.
In this world, you can either be the Cause of your life, or the Effect of it. Ever heard the saying," God helps those who help themselves?" You have to give God something to work with in order for God to Work It!
There is another saying that drives me absolutely batty: "I guess it was just meant to be." You hear this all the time from reality t.v. people, and so many others. The DANGER in this particular thought is... you are placing yourself in the position to be the effect of any and every outcome situation there might be. How terrible is that?
Car breaks down? Meant to be.
Lose your job? Meant to be.
Go into bankruptcy? Meant to be.
Divorce? Meant to be.
Uh.... EEEHHH! Wrong. You could have budgeted and fixed your car. You could have come in early, stayed late, work through lunch or bring the boss lunch to save your job. You could have not charged up a dozen credit cards to AVOID bankruptcy. And you could have done a million different things to work on saving your marriage, but I'll grant you this... it takes two to make a marriage work, so sometimes it can be another's fault.
BUT... point is, don't just sit back and take it. Get out there and work for what you want. NAME the thing you want so you know, without a doubt, what it is you are going after. WANT what you just named. Do you REALLY want that? or are you just mentioning it because it is what someone else expects you to say? Ya gotta want it. Finally, ya gotta go for the gusto. GET what you want. Don't sit back and wait for it to happen along... go, go, go!
Okay, I'm getting preachy again.
Just think about it!
"Good things come to those who persist."
Thursday, February 07, 2008
Anyone else feel the ground shaking...???
Busy these days around Midland? Traffic getting a little more congested than usual? How about going out for a bite to eat, longer waiting time? And have you seen the classified section of the sunday paper lately? If you haven't answered "Yes" to at least one of those questions, then you are not in the Midland, Texas area. And that's just a shame.
Midland is booming right now, and I mean BOOM-ing. Well, for that matter, so is Odessa and Andrews, Texas! MSNBC recently did a segment on Andrews and all the work going on there: experimential nuclear facility that the University of Texas is building, the uranium enrichment plant between Andrews and Eunice, N.M., and also the nuclear waste storage facility the government is building. The next day, people were packing up and moving from California, Montana, Wyoming, and Michigan to move to Andrews. ANDREWS!! Okay, it's a good town, but what is their population? Maybe close to 10,000 people now? Multiply that by TWENTY and you've got Midland and Odessa with even more growth going on.
Yes my friends, we are booming. I feel like we're all sitting on a powder keg just waiting for it to go off.
This past monday, Montana Properties group from Alberta, Canada came before the planning and zoning commission of the city of Midland and announced their intentions to begin develpment of over 640+ acres of land in north Midland. In a time when the rest of the nation is slowing down to catch their breath, investors from coast-to-coast, literally, are coming here to BUILD! And we are building.
Right now, these are the facts:
Three (3) hotels are under construction out by the stadium, one is nearing completion.
Several new resturants have just opened, or are about to open in the next few months.
Midland and Odessa have collectively over 50 subdivisions building up, the majority of which are new within the last year! And those are just the ones that have broken ground. Still others are in the works to break ground this year!
Interstate 20 is undergoing a major renovation at Cottonflat Road which is in actuallity a continuation of Garfield Drive.
TXDoT is breaking ground right now on the "reliever route" north of Midland that is soon to become the next "loop" of Midland. (mark my words)
Opening in two months is the newest apartment complex boasting rentals from just under $1,000 per month to as high as $1650 per month for very nice, very spacious apartments with attached garages! Last one built was what... 20 years ago?
Midland Reporter-Telegram has a classified section that is over dozen pages or more (for jobs), and last I checked Saudi Aramco is hosting a job fair in Midland! Even OPEC is coming here looking for help!
Midland is about to see a lot of change. Now, I know a lot of people are not that comfortable with "change" but you just gotta get over that. People from around the nation are starting to notice Midland/Odessa in a big way, and that means we're going to see a lot of people come here. Now is the time to really buckle down and keep Midland running. People need to exercise patience on the roads and watch out for the other guy. Friends and family need to spread word of mouth when someone comes along needing a job, some place to live, somewhere to shop, or just looking for something to do.
But the one thing I would like everyone to do, more than anything, is: Get Involved! Right now, the city of Midland has dozens of committes and boards that need volunteers to help. Once or twice a month, you'll get together with others and help the city make plans and decisions that will guide our growth over the next 2 to 25 years... and beyond! There's a lot of change and Midland needs our help. We need workers to fill jobs, we need houses for those workers, and we need volunteers to help the city make sense of it all.
Get active.
Get involved.
But get with the program, because we're growing by leaps and bounds and there is literally nothing we can do but hold-on and help guide things when we can.
Midland is booming right now, and I mean BOOM-ing. Well, for that matter, so is Odessa and Andrews, Texas! MSNBC recently did a segment on Andrews and all the work going on there: experimential nuclear facility that the University of Texas is building, the uranium enrichment plant between Andrews and Eunice, N.M., and also the nuclear waste storage facility the government is building. The next day, people were packing up and moving from California, Montana, Wyoming, and Michigan to move to Andrews. ANDREWS!! Okay, it's a good town, but what is their population? Maybe close to 10,000 people now? Multiply that by TWENTY and you've got Midland and Odessa with even more growth going on.
Yes my friends, we are booming. I feel like we're all sitting on a powder keg just waiting for it to go off.
This past monday, Montana Properties group from Alberta, Canada came before the planning and zoning commission of the city of Midland and announced their intentions to begin develpment of over 640+ acres of land in north Midland. In a time when the rest of the nation is slowing down to catch their breath, investors from coast-to-coast, literally, are coming here to BUILD! And we are building.
Right now, these are the facts:
Three (3) hotels are under construction out by the stadium, one is nearing completion.
Several new resturants have just opened, or are about to open in the next few months.
Midland and Odessa have collectively over 50 subdivisions building up, the majority of which are new within the last year! And those are just the ones that have broken ground. Still others are in the works to break ground this year!
Interstate 20 is undergoing a major renovation at Cottonflat Road which is in actuallity a continuation of Garfield Drive.
TXDoT is breaking ground right now on the "reliever route" north of Midland that is soon to become the next "loop" of Midland. (mark my words)
Opening in two months is the newest apartment complex boasting rentals from just under $1,000 per month to as high as $1650 per month for very nice, very spacious apartments with attached garages! Last one built was what... 20 years ago?
Midland Reporter-Telegram has a classified section that is over dozen pages or more (for jobs), and last I checked Saudi Aramco is hosting a job fair in Midland! Even OPEC is coming here looking for help!
Midland is about to see a lot of change. Now, I know a lot of people are not that comfortable with "change" but you just gotta get over that. People from around the nation are starting to notice Midland/Odessa in a big way, and that means we're going to see a lot of people come here. Now is the time to really buckle down and keep Midland running. People need to exercise patience on the roads and watch out for the other guy. Friends and family need to spread word of mouth when someone comes along needing a job, some place to live, somewhere to shop, or just looking for something to do.
But the one thing I would like everyone to do, more than anything, is: Get Involved! Right now, the city of Midland has dozens of committes and boards that need volunteers to help. Once or twice a month, you'll get together with others and help the city make plans and decisions that will guide our growth over the next 2 to 25 years... and beyond! There's a lot of change and Midland needs our help. We need workers to fill jobs, we need houses for those workers, and we need volunteers to help the city make sense of it all.
Get active.
Get involved.
But get with the program, because we're growing by leaps and bounds and there is literally nothing we can do but hold-on and help guide things when we can.
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