Thursday, March 03, 2005

Downtown Midland: Committee's everywhere and "not a drop to drink..."

Tuesday, March 2nd, I had the priviledge of lunching with Ms. Shawn Ellison, Executive Director of Downtown Midland, Inc. She is a pleasant and very insightful person in charge of helping coordinate activities going on downtown, while at the same time trying to create more life via other entities such as Midland Development Corp. and the MMMD (Midland Municipal Management District).

We spoke at length about the immediate actions happening downtown. I was interested to hear that the razing of the old Midland Savings Bank at the corner of Colorado and Wall St. has been delayed. An article had come out not too long ago in the Midland Reporter-Telegram stating that the MMMD were taking title to the building and would have it down by late February or early March. Have you checked a calendar lately? They're behind schedule, but why? Upon further explanation, it would seem that the MRT had not reported the story very well. Important information had been left out and some things included that should not have been. The current owner of the building was understandably upset by what he read and had the somewhat reasonable reaction of... putting the brakes on things.

As I understand it now, progress is being made and the de-construction of the building is going to move forward, but closer to July or August. This is fortuitous as the work that is due to begin on Wall Street should be starting about that time! Yes, TXDoT and the City of Midland are indeed teaming up to completely revamp Wall St. from Big Spring to Weatherford? Maybe from "A" Street, I need to double check that. Regardless, the two projects will coincide so as to not double up on bringing traffic to a halt near the courthouse.

Now then, so we're finally going to get a nicer downtown: new sidewalks, benches, trees and the removal of eye sore property. What next? Well, some committees in town are concerned about parking. Other's are trying to raise funds to work with. Still other committees are working on bringing new businesses to downtown office spaces. And I have NO doubt that the list goes on!

If it is one thing I can't stand, its committees. Committees are groups of individuals that come together, argue, discuss and debate the issues, formulate a plan and goals and objectives... and feel that something has been accomplished. However, unless those "goals" are indeed a producible thing or service, unless the "goals" are specific and finite enough to be accomplished, nothing will ever come of it.

Since becoming interested in downtown Midland, I have learned of no less than 6 entities that have an interest in revitalizing downtown. I joked with my wife last night on forming a committee to do away with all the committees! After rolling her eyes at me, she politely informed me that there were such things as "Action Committees" that ensure everyone is on the same page and are making steady progress and not just talking about what needs to be done.

Interesting idea.

But first, I need to educate myself even more.

With all due respect to the committees and their members, I can not honestly say I know what they are all doing, nor do I know what they HAVE accomplished. The MDC for example doesn't say much about what they do until they've done it. For instance, the ground breaking for the new Enterada Industiral Park should be this week... but nothing in the paper yet. Maybe it's happening right now? Let's see... 10am on the 3rd? That does ring a bell. Regardless, I need to find out specifics on each committee and their actions in order to make a fair judgment and determine what should happen next.

Not that anyone cares what "I" have to say, but I can change that as well. I have a strong interest in the revitalization of downtown Midland. I have an even stronger interest in the diversification of Midland. We should ALL take an interest and get educated on what is happening in our fair city. Hopefully, if you just stick with me here on this blog, what I learn will become common knowledge for you and others... and we can all learn and move on together.

Or maybe I'm just yakkin'!!! Yak yak yak... yakitty yak yak! ;)


Anonymous said...

Anytime you want to talk about what the MRT has published or hasn't published feel free to call me. I have gone to all MMMD meetings and since certain non-MMMD parties are not making themselves available to media, their decisions to back off deals or hold them up have been difficult to pass on to readers.
But most information you have posted in many your dealings have been reported in the paper. Any questions you have, I will be more than happy to talk to you about. Working together seems better than just dropping comments about you perceive other people have or have not done.

John A.E. Boswell said...

I get the impression that you take offense to my comments regarding MRT and the articles I've mentioned. If you're an employee, I can understand hard feelings.

True, most ot the information I've discussed has been mentioned in the paper, but some has not. I had to call one journalist to find out about the fact that title was to be handed over to MMMD and that was never mentioned.

Working together can be a good thing, and actually, I have questions for you that you can answer. If you don't mind, drop me an e-mail at and I'd be glad to talk with you. I don't want to call you at work, as it would still be an assumption on my part that THAT is where you work. That, and I don't want to interupt you or take you away from something more important than my latest ramblings.

I do look forward to hearing from you though. Thanks!