Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Dear Mr. President:

An open letter to the President of the United States, Barack Obama.

Dear Mr. President:

I contacted your office this morning via an e-mail, but wanted to share my thoughts out-loud as well.

Prior to your election, Pres. Bush asked for and passed the TARP bill, which was intended to give you funds to help an dwindling economy and avert a depression. Hundreds of billions of dollars were set aside for his and your use. Despite these funds, because the majority of it was not used, the economy sank and has stumbled since. And now that we approach re-election time, you are coming back to America asking for more money for "shovel ready" jobs, to repair roads and bridges, to put people back to work on an immediate basis.

The timing could not be more obvious.

You ask for calm and workable retoric, yet your Vice-President calls our protest of your policies "acts of terrorism." Since when is the 1st Amendment being exercised... an act of terror? Mr. Hoffa calls the Tea Party members and republicans "sons of bitches," and yet is the Tea Party and republicans that need to tone down the retoric??

Bush is to blame. The hurricane is the blame. Wall Street is to blame. Fat cat lobbiests are to blame. "Rich" people making $250,000 a year and flying "corperate jets" are to blame. Tea Party terrorism is to blame. It seems everyone in the whole, entire world is to blame for something.

At what point do you accept ANY responsibility for ANYTHING?

Big Corperations, Big Oil, Big Money is all bad... unless they are feeding your campaign. How many auto dealerships were put out of business immediately following your election? And every one of them donated to the republican.

You play Chicago politics: the other guy brings a knife, you bring a gun.
How long are you going to keep playing this game, driving our country into the ground, before you finally see the light that you are driving ALL OF US into the ground? You're people (democrats, liberals, left-wingers, etc.) are all sinking with this ship along with the rest of "Us."

Get over the politics.
Get over the "Us vs. Them" mentality.
Get over yourself!
For the love of all things you hold dear, wake the hell up and try LISTENING for once. No matter how many ideas are presented to you, you shot them all down and bring no ideas of your own.

A Leader leads by example.
So far... I can think of nothing you have done that has the makings of any example of leadership. Could you name one for me please?

Just one.

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