Thursday, June 23, 2005

Greetings to friends far and wide!

For those of you who have not formed up a "blog" or "web log" where the term actually came from, I just thought I would post on how you are missing out!

Since forming up this blog, I have had the pleasure of meeting an editor form the local paper, the Executive Directors of Keep Midland Beautiful and of Downtown Midland, Inc. I have attended meetings, given feedback, and I have even been written of in the local paper! And not just that letter to the editor either, though I was particularly proud of that piece.

Yes, since I started blogging for Midland, my life has changed and I've met many good people. Just the other day, I met Miriam Parker (Hi Miriam!) who I found to be a far superior and entertaining writer than... well, even me! (It's not easy to admit that, people. After all, I'm darn good! Admit it!) *grin*

Anyway, through the internet and this journal-like medium which has seen hundreds of visitors and thousands of visits, I have met wonderful people and I'm learning a lot about the world. I have seen how much an impact my words can have on others. I have gotten a good perspective and seen just how small of an ant I am, even in a little place like Midland. And I have learned the importance of communication, and the bonds communication creates.

So... Greetings to my friends both near and far. Thank you for coming around and know that I think of you all often and more importantly... wonder who you are? (Those of you who are reading and don't write back, that is. ;)

Have a great day and tomorrow, I hope to resume my series on thoughts to think about... or whatever I called it.

...I promise to be more literary tomorrow. I'm just enjoying a day with no phone ringing off the wall! *sigh*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You met some worthless midlanders. Have you seen how pretty the town is? it's not, it's filthy. Look at any vacant lot on the south side. That's a part of midland too, and it's becoming slums.

What kind of self righteous moron claims to be an outstanding writer when coming from a dried up oil town? Your senseless opinions don't mean a thing.