Monday, March 28, 2005

Bring in the Texas Casinos!

On the "Anderson Analysis" last night on Big 2 News, Mr. Anderson interviewed the two men wanting to bring in casinos to the Permian Basin: either Stanton or Odessa. He also asked questions of the city manager of Stanton, but I'll get into that later.

I think a very important part of the casino idea as far as Texas is concerned is the Tax issue. Currently, taxes in this state are relatively high. Property taxes are up and are continuing on that trend. Texas has seen a number of businesses come in over the last 10 to 15 years, but despite that new business, funds are not available for such things as schools and education, health care cost (though that is mostly federal) and growth of the state. Anyone in the San Antonio area can look around and see how Austin and Houston are practically merging into San Antonio.

The growth in Texas is literally explosive and will only create more problems without better transportation in the future. Governor Perry wants to create a "transportation corridor" with mono-rail type trains along with easier lanes for trucks to take, making room for the cars going back and forth up I-35. The cost of such a project is reaching into the billions if not pushing a trillion dollars. How does Gov. Perry intend to pay for such a beast? Need? Yes. Affordable? I don't see how.

But along comes Robert Cox, et. al. Businessmen who have the willingness and ability to create casinos, bone fide quality and nice resorts, are finding a debate on their hands. Five years ago, casinos would most likely have found total resistance in the state. But now, being surrounded by other states that allow casino gambling, Texas is watching money leave the state that could really be put to use right here at home. Not only at home in "Texas" generally, but... in the Permian Basin?

Imagine it: a casino resort within an hours drive at the most, bringing in over 3,000 people off the interstate right now to spend money in our area! Job would be created in the thousands, not just the casino alone, but with residual businesses around the casino. Construction would escalate beyond what we are seeing today, which is at an all time high... the Sky really IS the Limit!!

Now, many people worry about Midland loosing that "small town" feeling that we have enjoyed for years. I seriously doubt that Midland will ever loose that. I lived in Ft. Worth for two years and truly enjoyed it. Ft. Worth is what, five times the size of Midland? But I was able to get almost anywhere in town within 20 minutes, had many wonderful places to shop, dine, visit, etc. I really do see a tremendous correlation between Midland and Ft. Worth and see nothing but good times ahead for the wonderful city of Midland in all of this. People currently live in Midland and work all around the surrounding area. Management for all the Permian Basin is often times based right here in Midland. Though Midland may still be a bit too conservative for a casino of their very own, there is no reason why we cannot have families living here and working in Stanton or Odessa.

As for the "city manager" of Stanton, I gotta tell ya... showing up with a baseball cap, tinted glasses and windbreaker jacket didn't make for a good impression when you are sitting next to men in dress shirts and ties. I had to ask myself: "was that baseball cap an endorsement?" as it had the name of a local bank on it. Mr. Cox was literally giggling and laughing as that city manager was speaking about the prospect of Stanton getting a casino. Well... he was! If Stanton is relying on this man to bring in their casino, I say: power to 'em.

But for the record: I think a far better, smarter, more profitable choice for a casino location would be Odessa or at least Ector County as near F.M. 1788 as they can get. F.M. 1788 is the crossroad for La Enterada and Ports to Plains corridors and will have tremendous traffic in the future. Midland/Odessa will profit from unparalleled growth for years to come, gambling taxes coming in and the residual money spent by travelers coming to local museums, sporting events, shows and more.

A vote for having casinos in Texas isn't a vote for future corruption. That is a thing of the past, and best left to the movies. Texas needs to not only hold on this potential money source, but needs to support it. Write your local Congressman and get behind this. We can all benefit from this, and can do so sooner than you think!


Anonymous said...

Can anyone truly say with a straight face that they take the idea of a casino in Stanton--STANTON!?!--seriously? C'mon. I thought Hobbs was absurd, and we will all see how that one works out over the next couple of years. Even Hobbs--a sad sack city if there ever was one--is a hopping metropolis compared to Stanton.

Look, I know people think that gambling is a magic solution to any and all governmental fiscal problems, but that's chimerical. And, in my opinion, slightly cynical.

And gambling brings corruption and vice. Always has. Always will. Witness the Abramoff/Indian casino scandal right now in Washington; by no means is gambling "good clean fun." I just pray that it's not the good people of Martin County who are going to get fleeced.

Do economic development, not fantasy.

Pancho said...

Hopefully, in what remains of my lifetime, gambling will not pass. I think there are still enough people of conscience left to keep it out.

Gamblimg is always listed as the quick fix. Perhaps it is for awhile, but it generally makes the poor poorer and is addictive creating an expense of it's own. If the only way to pay for financing state government is thru gambling..we might as well pack it in.

Anonymous said...

I dont' see anything wrong with gambling. What the problem is and what I believe is addressed in the bible is doing things to excess. Overeating, getting drunk, gambling excessively and moral weakness. I personally enjoy playing the slots, I stay within my financial means and leave when I've spent my alloted money or when I've doubled/tripled my dollars. I'd like to see my dollars and the many, many other Texans at the NM, OK and LA casinos stay in Texas. As for bringing in an "unseemly element" into our state, well, you set up a gambling commission to set and ENFORCE stringent standards to keep them out!

Anonymous said...

Isn't it surprising that so many of the same group of people who were gung-ho to bet $60 million on a sports complex, $25 million on the Horseshoe facility, and want to bet multi millions on a new convention center (all other people's money, of course), all for the purpose of bringing money into Midland, are now up in arms at the possibility of GAMBLING in the Permian Basin? Hello?

Anonymous said...

Just go to large cities that have gambling. Talk to law enforcement agencies, churches, welfare agencies, etc. about the effects on the community brought on by gambling and you will see that it is not a bed of roses.
All for the name of money, money, and more money. What is the difference between gambling supporters and the ever increasing tax loving politicians we got now in Texas.
I hope Midland and the citizens of Texas finally say enough is enough and realize that the quality of life in a community is more important than the almighty dollar.

Ecduzit said...

January 10th,2008 Odessa American Front page:
Four candidates running for District 81:
Buddy West
Jesse Gore
Tyron Lewis
Randy Rives
Have "POSTED" their views on casinos in West Texas They were "ALL" against it!
I dont need some ignorant politician telling me how to spend my money.
These four candidates are pushing their very own personal political agenda BEFORE THE ELECTION!
Yes Texas needs the casinos to keep our money HERE not in Hobbs, New Mexico or Las Vegas, Nevada.
I say:
LET THE TEXAS CITIZENS HAVE A VOICE AND LET THIS ISSUE COME TO A VOTE! Because like I said I dont need some ignorant politician telling me what to do with my money and yet they dont see the millions of dollars it brings into our economy with Interstate 20 and the Midland International Airport. Can our political foreseers be so dumb and not see this?
Evidently so!

Ecduzit said...

Alot of Texans say we dont need gambling in Texas:
Well "WAKE UP" we already it!
Bingo - Illegal Horse Betting - State Lottery
- 8 liners (form of gambling)
Whats the Difference People?
Casinos will create hundreds of jobs and many other businesses
We need another form of viable resource in this area and yet we have tried to rely on gas and oil for the life of the Odessa and Midalnd area.
Casino gambling "WILL" bring in millions and really put this area on the map because of the thousands of travelers who come through our cities daily off Interstate 20.
and then we can put it bed what ever way it goes!

Anonymous said...

There's not a politician out there in the West Texas area that has the balls to even remotely consider the gambling bill issue for Texas.
Their one sided view is doing more harm. Ask yourself this how many alcoholic drinks do you have have? You can bet some of these politicans have a hell of alot more drinks than I've ever had! How many poeple in the Church intrests are paying you under the table not to push the gambling issue?
Let the people vote or are we living in a socialist government now?