Wednesday, April 06, 2005

What is: Busy?

Busy is not getting home until 9:00pm or later any given week night after being at work, then shopping, then running more errands, etc.

Busy is answering e-mails from people you've never met in real life, in-between phone calls, collecting rent and handling faxes.

Busy is walking your poor dog at 10 o'clock at night because that's when you finally got a chance to, and the poor critter has been busily tearing down the back door because... he's gotta GO!

Yes, I've been a bit busy lately. Real estate in Midland is going bananas! I have people coming in out of the blue wanting us to build homes for them, wanting to sign contracts now... before we've even broken ground! Two years ago, we would have laughed at the prospect of things being like this. I'm not laughing anymore. In fact, it's getting down right serious.

Last time I reported in, there were some 380 properties active on the market in Midland. Today: less than 320. Yesturday, I checked the numbers in Odessa and you are not going to believe this: less than 120 !! IN ALL OF ECTOR COUNTY!!

Builders are doing their best to keep up with demand, but boy we could use a little help. And now we have the prospect of new business opening up along I-20 at Rankin Hwy. due to the second Wal-Mart Supercenter coming in over there. There is also talk of not just one, but TWO screens for a Drive-in theater going up out on Hwy 80?

Things are hoppin' in Midland. Oil is going up, people are making money and things are simply hoppin...

Busy is going to become an understatement before too long. So much for this year's resolution: Chill out!

That's shot all to hell... !

OH YEAH! Did I mention I've been too busy to post on my blog? But you probably figured that one out. Sorry.... 8(

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