Wednesday, June 01, 2005

On Excellence

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit."

Of all the habits people develop in the world, wouldn't it be nice if we could instill this one first?

I have always been a "jack of all trades, master of none." Not sure who came up with that idea, but when I find the sorry sonuvab... I'm going to give him a piece of my mind. What a curse it is, to know "something" about everything and have no true skill to use it, desire to peruse it, willingness to stick to it or persistence to follow it through.

Over the weekend, I saw my nephew graduate from St. Stephens in Austin. He is going on to Embry-Riddle in Arizona... a school that only accepts the best. Afterwards, I went to visit my eldest brother in Comfort, TX and stay at his home, a landmark for excellence: groomed flowerbeds, trees, everything. You can't help but be inspired there. He truly is what he repeatedly does.

Well, about 3 years ago, I started a martial art with the intention of seeing something through. Starting it and never letting it go. So far, I'm doing good at that. Times are getting tough, but I'm sticking with it. However, my wife and I learned yesterday after testing for the third time... that she is "with child." The shock of it all is still sinking in, but a blessing it truly will be.

But right now... all I can think about, all I can hope for, all I can pray and wish and beg of God... is that this child be NOT like me. Instead, I hope that our future child develop the habit of Excellence: never settle for second best, never start something and walk away, never take "no" for an answer and never resolve to accept something... when everyone knows better.

I'm still working on my habit of excellence. I hope to have it somewhat "down" when baby shows up on the scene. Time will be my judge... and my wife of course! ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, don't sell yourself short Mr. Boswell, maybe it will be a gift if your child ends up to be "like you." After all, you didn't settle for second best (your wife; top-o-the-line), you started and then saw something through when you proposed and then married your soul-mate, and subsequently didn't take "no" for an answer. Fatherhood will bestow upon you the knowledge and skill that is beyond compare, and you don't even know it yet. I believe your child it will develop a habit of excellence - simply by watching his/her parents. - love, aunt steffie :-)