Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Back on the air !

Greetings and salutations!

My apologies for being gone so long, but I have a good excuse: spam.

For those wonderful fans of mine who so enjoy my little blog, and want me to come "visit" their website... the answer is NO. I don't want to know about your "credit refinance" solutions and how to date (because I'm married, happily, thank you) or any of the other funky things I've been invited to go "check out" when I have time.

Due to spammers, I will no longer allow comments on my blog. People are invited to contact me via e-mail, and spammers will be labeled and discarded more easily.

Otherwise, there is MUCH to talk about so... I'll be back later today to post about: West Texas Writers new website, Jobs coming to Midland and the new businesses already here, Real Estate in Midland, Texas, Aikido of Midland's new location and the progress made on the renovations, a new Brazilian JuJitsu group in Midland and so much more...