Saturday, August 13, 2005


Hey Gang!

Sorry I've been away... again! Work has been crazy! I've been busier than a one-armed paper hanger here lately, but I'm getting caught up, slowly but surely.

Now listen, here lately, I've been plastered with posts from people who are definitely not fans of George W. Bush... and that's okay! I'm all for feedback. Feedback is a good thing. I especially love the attention of monocelled individuals who buy into every editorial cartoon and liberally biased mass media production on the planet. You guys are my favorite! It's All Good

Just for the record: if you think by gratuitously spamming my little blog here with quasi-humorous anonymous postings about what a "tool" I am and what a stooge our President is, well... you'd be barking up the wrong tree.

Guess what? I don't like everything Bush has done as President. I think he's made mistakes and has taken steps that I would advise against. But hey... we're all entitled to opinions. And I for one am of the opinion that he's better than Bill "Tubby" Clinton any day of the week.

So come on down! Give me your worst, I can take it! You got any more names for me? Any more sarcastic remarks? I'm a BIG fan of Sarcasm! Sarcasm is great fun!

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