Friday, August 26, 2011

Washington D.C. being judged???

Now, I'm no "bible thumper." I have never been one to read into superstition or give any credit to "signs" and the alleged supernatural events percieved around the world.

That being said... I do have to take pause lately.

An earthquake just outside Washington D.C. strikes, causing cracks in monuments that are hundreds of years old. Now a hurricane... a freaking HURRICANE is headed straight up the east coast, due to hit just south of D.C. What's coming next? Tornados? Alien invasion? The Second coming?

Like I said, seriously, I'm not over-reacting. Life is going on. Planning on buying a house soon. Making every effort to be here and in good standing for the next 40+ years. But every now and then... I see things going on, like what is happening on the east coast. And it makes me wonder, "Is God trying to tell us something?"

Take it for what you will. It's worth exactlly what you paid for it. ;)

Have a good one!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

EntreLeadership : Dave Ramsey's latest book

For those of you Dave Ramsey fans out there, I wanted to give ole' Dave a plug on his new book: EntreLeadership.

For a few years now, he's been hosting a conference for business owners, or those thinking of starting up a business, to teach the things any business owner should know... beyond the Financial Peace he already teaches through books, seminars and on the radio.

Personally, I'm a huge fan of "business." I have a passion for hearing stories of starting with nothing, working up to "something" and points beyond. I'm hoping to join that club some day!

If you are one of those people, like me, who is not yet "debt free" then I would invite you to pick up and read the book: Total Money Make-over.

If you ARE one who is debt free, then grab Dave's latest. It's sure to be another page-turner. TMM really was a page turner for me. I read it in two days, couldn't put it down. Can't imagine his next book being any less.

Good stuff!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Midland is growing, however...

In Midland news: the City Council just passed zoning ordinances for Hwy 191 between Midland and Odessa. The thought is there to make as much of it "retail" as they can, so it doesn't end up a giant warehouse-looking district like Bus. 20 south of the airport.

Problem: 191 isn't ready to go retail.

There are no sewer or water utilities, no electric or gas, no nothing... really. It's raw land!! There are some buildings there now, couple churches, some homes scattered here and there. And of course, the new Fine Arts facility for UTPB is going up and looking good!

But tell me this, how would a retailer like Stripes, Gander Moutain, Marshalls, or anyone else build out there, when there is no water, elec., or sewer to tie into? A few landowners have voiced their opinion that the city is "putting the cart before the horse." And they are correct. The Mayor would like us all to believe that the council is "listening" to the public and citizens of Midland. Well, it is one thing to LISTEN. It is another thing to HEAR... and HEED.

The council did what they wanted when Midland Christian School expanded. They did what they wanted with the hospital expansion. They did what they wanted when Blue Ridge Apts. built COUNTER to passed P & Z plans. And yet all of this moved forward and left forgotten.

Same thing here with 191. People are allowed their say, voice their opinion, tell us your concerns... then we'll get involved, call public meetings, run around a few more months and then go ahead and do whatever the hell we want to anyway.

Diplomacy in action.

Now, granted, not everyone on the council is to blame. But the guilty parties know who they are. And you can NOT tell me I'm wrong in this. You can argue this and that, but the bottom-line is: this is all TRUE.

Still doubt me? Drive down Interstate 20 from Rankin Hwy heading east. See all the buildings? No? That's because this has all happened before. Utilites were planned for this area of the Interstate years ago. It never happend. There are no utilites... and the land is worthless to anyone that cannot afford the hundreds of thousands it would take to bring them in.

THIS... is the future of 191: nada.

Sorry... this really turned into a RANT! I'll try to be a little more positive next time around. Just had to get this off my chest.