Greetings, Friends!
Just popping in to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Life has been busy, fun, crazy, exciting, worrisome, mind-boggling, and down-right... usual. ;) I'll give ya a quick update on things and then I'm off again for a bit. Hopefully, next year will be much better:
1) Norah is doing great! She just turned 2 this past November, and is a walking-talking baby. Always happy, never made, but will throw a fit if she doesn't get her way. It's pretty cute. But don't laugh... only makes her more mad. ;)
2) Aiden is doing great too! Growing like a weed, that child can consume a pound of bacon for breakfast, throw a football is pinpoint precision, taller than boys a year older than he, skinny as a rail, loves to play, has a great sense of humor, and boy... does he like to talk!
3) Life is good! Leslie and I have been busy, working hard, visiting family at every opportunity, wrestling kiddos, and working hard. Did I mention work? We've been working!
4) MIDLAND is changing! I know the economy nationwide is kinda in the dumps, but Midland has been keeping its mouth shut, building and moving and remodeling all over town. There are four brand-new subdivisions that I know of going up, not to mention previous ones that are expanding. We have had some rocky points (Blue Ridge Apartments) but they'll get sued and that'll be that. (*hint* next time... don't build something other than the plan passed by city council!)
So, here is wishing You and Yours a very Merry Christmas! Enjoy this time, your family, rest and relalx when you can, look up at the stars and smile once in a while. Take care. And talk to you again soon.
~ John