“…a little rebellion now and then is a good thing,”
Thomas Jefferson ~ January 30, 1787
In the interest of full disclosure, it has been a philosophy of mine for a couple years now that the only way for us to make a change in Washington would be to vote out everyone. Well, I still believe that, no matter how painful it might be.
So, as much as it truly does pain me, I’ve got to tell you that my vote will most likely be going to Obama for 2008. I’m not doing this because I like the guy, quite the contrary. I’m doing this for many other reasons.
Thomas Jefferson ~ January 30, 1787
In the interest of full disclosure, it has been a philosophy of mine for a couple years now that the only way for us to make a change in Washington would be to vote out everyone. Well, I still believe that, no matter how painful it might be.
So, as much as it truly does pain me, I’ve got to tell you that my vote will most likely be going to Obama for 2008. I’m not doing this because I like the guy, quite the contrary. I’m doing this for many other reasons.
1) America deserves Obama. If the people of this once-great nation believe that he is the instrument of change in Washington, then we deserve whatever he gives us. Higher taxes, shoddy health care, fewer jobs, greater turmoil overseas, we deserve all of it. If the people that vote in this country can’t educate themselves beyond the talking points parroted back to us by the evening news, then by God we deserve the hell that comes with such a lack of knowledge.
2) Obama does equal change. He stands for change, and I don’t doubt that for a minute. But let’s look at the change he’ll bring us. Higher taxes, which will equate to more lay-offs, higher unemployment, less productivity, less exportation, and further recession. Healthcare for all, which will bring about fewer doctors (because they will quite before working for cheap or nothing), over-loaded hospitals, poorer quality of care, and huge delays in that care. The only ones who benefit from all this will be the insurance companies and the pharmaceuticals, so if you’re looking for a new profession… look there.
3) McCain is part of the “establishment.” As much of a maverick he likes to think he is, he’s just as guilty as the rest of the Keating Five who stood up for a crooked bookkeeper some years ago. Did McCain break any laws? None that I know of. But he’s shown his true colors when he brought pressure to bear on an investigation of someone he had financial ties to. Everyone in Congress who has accepted campaign funds is beholden to someone. They’re all dirty… it’s the nature of the business.
4) Time to accelerate the beginning of the end. Listen, America has had it good for a long time. We’ve got public education, the best hospitals in the world, strong universities that are the destination of students from around the world, home ownership, fast and varied transportation, we’ve got it made! We have so much going for us… and no one stops to appreciate the fact that we have it now. Oh no… it’s not good enough. We need cleaner cars and energy; we need better education for elementary and high schools. We need cheaper health care and EVERYONE HAS TO HAVE full coverage on health care. Damn the cost, 100% of the people are entitled to it … or so it is said.
“…a little rebellion now and then is a good thing,”
Thomas Jefferson ~ January 30, 1787
Time for change has indeed come, but it isn’t what anyone is thinking of or expecting. Congress has grown fat and lazy on the greed that is modern day politics. And “we the people” have grown ignorant and lazy, we do not learn nor do we try to learn about what is going on at the national level until it is too late. Coming up in the next two years will be the national I.D. card. Did you know that? Professions across this nation are being expected to produce fingerprints for identity purposes, so they say. Wire-tapping is done on regular citizens in the name of national defense. One by one, our freedoms and liberties are being stripped away by the very people we put in office to defend us… and no one seems to know about it, and when they do learn, they choose not to believe.
So do us all a favor, come next election day, go on out and vote for Barack Obama and lets put the ball in his court. Either he’s the “savior” that the media elite have built him up to be, or he is the catalyst for the even greater change that this country is so very long overdue for. It is time to close our eyes and step off into the void of Fate. Because I know with every fiber of my being… we sure aren’t on the path our forefathers set us upon.