Oh my... what a year this has been:
Personally, my wife and I purchused our first house, have a baby on the way, we have a mutt named Chet who is funny as all get-out, family life has had it's ups and downs... and there are no signs of things slowing down for 2006, because BABY is on the WAY!
Work-wise, changes are in the air. Real estate is booming unlike anything Midland has EVER seen. The number of builders in Midland has doubled since last year and now all the sub-contractors need more help. Hell! We need more sub-contractors! Employment in Midland is at an all time high and that is with more and more people moving into Midland. The rent market is maxed out and shows no signs of slowing down at all.
As for Midland itself, check this out. A big push was made to get petroleum engineers to move to Houston or Dallas... instead, they formed their own business and stayed right here in Midland, stronger than ever! The gulf coast was hit not by one but two huge hurricanes? Midland boxed up truckload after truckload of food and water and shipped it down to the people in need. And the owner of the Hilton downtown? He took in 17 FAMILIES from the coast and put them up until they could find aid and get life going again. Well done!
And development? Kohl's opened, Acadamy opened, Buffalo Wild Wings, Wal-Mart on I-20, another Starbucks and shopping center right next door. Roads have been improved: Rankin Hwy., Midland Drive (North and South), Andrews Hwy... all over really. The old safeway on Midkiff and Andrews Hwy that was an Advanced Auto Parts store was torn down and re-built so that Hollywood Video could come in along with Complex Community FCU and a Quiznos' is due to arrive there soon as well. Across the street Hollander Chiro opened a newly remodeled/rebuilt building as well.
Now if we could only get Albertsons OUT and HEB or another grocery store IN... Midland will be set.
Progress was made on other fronts. An effort is being made to bring the George W. Bush Library to west Texas; FutureGen (a CO2 energy plant hybrid) is seriously considering Midland/Odessa as a home; Andrews, TX may become the home of a new breed of nuclear reactor that is safer and more efficent than old reactors have been; the oil patch is booming like never before and people from across the nation are moving to Midland to join in the work... with oil sitting at record levels... with no sign of slowing down; Texas Health departments are establishing new "Call Centers" across the state with one of the largest ones coming to Midland at the old Texas Instruments building on I-20. La Enterada el Pacifico is making serious enough progress in Texas, that a new Rail Yard is going to be built so that trains can off-load cargo here in Midland... making Midland/Odessa a MEGA shipping hub in the future! (Mark my words on this. This alone is going to change the face of Midland/Odessa!
Folks, the list goes on and on. If you know people looking for a new life, it's right here in Midland, TX. Business is booming, jobs are here to be had, residences are being built faster than the mind can fathom, schools are being updated and renovated... life is GREAT in Midland !!!
So... here's wishing you and yours a VERY Happy and Safe New Year! And if you want to buy a house, call me. ;) hehehe