Monday, March 28, 2005

Bring in the Texas Casinos!

On the "Anderson Analysis" last night on Big 2 News, Mr. Anderson interviewed the two men wanting to bring in casinos to the Permian Basin: either Stanton or Odessa. He also asked questions of the city manager of Stanton, but I'll get into that later.

I think a very important part of the casino idea as far as Texas is concerned is the Tax issue. Currently, taxes in this state are relatively high. Property taxes are up and are continuing on that trend. Texas has seen a number of businesses come in over the last 10 to 15 years, but despite that new business, funds are not available for such things as schools and education, health care cost (though that is mostly federal) and growth of the state. Anyone in the San Antonio area can look around and see how Austin and Houston are practically merging into San Antonio.

The growth in Texas is literally explosive and will only create more problems without better transportation in the future. Governor Perry wants to create a "transportation corridor" with mono-rail type trains along with easier lanes for trucks to take, making room for the cars going back and forth up I-35. The cost of such a project is reaching into the billions if not pushing a trillion dollars. How does Gov. Perry intend to pay for such a beast? Need? Yes. Affordable? I don't see how.

But along comes Robert Cox, et. al. Businessmen who have the willingness and ability to create casinos, bone fide quality and nice resorts, are finding a debate on their hands. Five years ago, casinos would most likely have found total resistance in the state. But now, being surrounded by other states that allow casino gambling, Texas is watching money leave the state that could really be put to use right here at home. Not only at home in "Texas" generally, but... in the Permian Basin?

Imagine it: a casino resort within an hours drive at the most, bringing in over 3,000 people off the interstate right now to spend money in our area! Job would be created in the thousands, not just the casino alone, but with residual businesses around the casino. Construction would escalate beyond what we are seeing today, which is at an all time high... the Sky really IS the Limit!!

Now, many people worry about Midland loosing that "small town" feeling that we have enjoyed for years. I seriously doubt that Midland will ever loose that. I lived in Ft. Worth for two years and truly enjoyed it. Ft. Worth is what, five times the size of Midland? But I was able to get almost anywhere in town within 20 minutes, had many wonderful places to shop, dine, visit, etc. I really do see a tremendous correlation between Midland and Ft. Worth and see nothing but good times ahead for the wonderful city of Midland in all of this. People currently live in Midland and work all around the surrounding area. Management for all the Permian Basin is often times based right here in Midland. Though Midland may still be a bit too conservative for a casino of their very own, there is no reason why we cannot have families living here and working in Stanton or Odessa.

As for the "city manager" of Stanton, I gotta tell ya... showing up with a baseball cap, tinted glasses and windbreaker jacket didn't make for a good impression when you are sitting next to men in dress shirts and ties. I had to ask myself: "was that baseball cap an endorsement?" as it had the name of a local bank on it. Mr. Cox was literally giggling and laughing as that city manager was speaking about the prospect of Stanton getting a casino. Well... he was! If Stanton is relying on this man to bring in their casino, I say: power to 'em.

But for the record: I think a far better, smarter, more profitable choice for a casino location would be Odessa or at least Ector County as near F.M. 1788 as they can get. F.M. 1788 is the crossroad for La Enterada and Ports to Plains corridors and will have tremendous traffic in the future. Midland/Odessa will profit from unparalleled growth for years to come, gambling taxes coming in and the residual money spent by travelers coming to local museums, sporting events, shows and more.

A vote for having casinos in Texas isn't a vote for future corruption. That is a thing of the past, and best left to the movies. Texas needs to not only hold on this potential money source, but needs to support it. Write your local Congressman and get behind this. We can all benefit from this, and can do so sooner than you think!

Monday, March 21, 2005

Terri Schiavo: Questions on euthanasia

Gonna hit you with a heavy topic here, folks. Across the nation, eyes are focused on Terri Schiavo and whether her husband should "keep her alive" via a feeding tube or "let her go" and pass on from this world.

There is hardly any middle ground on this subject: people are either for the right be let go or totally for the right to life no matter what that may bring.

In this particular case, we have a husband who claims to be sure his wife would not want to be kept alive like this. Her body functions, but her mind isn't totally functioning and she requires a feeding tube to be inserted, pumping "nutrition" into her to keep her alive.

Terri has been like this, in this state, for 15 years now... roughly since 1990. For fifteen years, she has had nursing care to bath and clean her, maintain her food and liquid intake, change her cloths, sheets, turn her often so as to prevent bed sores, brush her teeth, do her nails, keep her warm and/or cool and comfortable. For fifteen years, her husband has been strung along by the doctors: maybe she'll come out of it? maybe she won't? No real way to know for sure either way. For fifteen years, her parents have been torn, wanting to care for their daughter but would they be going against the will of their daughter or their daughter's spouse? For fifteen years, life has gone on: Iraq has gone to war twice, once by invading Kuwait, and once by being invaded. President Bush (41st) finished out his one and only term and was followed up by President Clinton who served two terms, was impeached and still finished out his office only to be succeeded by President Bush (43rd) who is now in his second term. The World Trade Towers fell. The Boston Red Sox won the world series. The New England Patriots won the Superbowl (twice)... all since Terri went into her dibilitated state.

For fifteen years... life has gone on. For fifteen years... Terri has been like this. For fifteen years... there has been little if any change.

How long should this go on for? Does her husband Michael have the right to decide on her behalf to pull the feeding tube and end it all? Does Congress or the President have the right to say that the sanctity of life superceeds the husband's right for his wifes quality of life? Do Terri's parents have any right, having given their daughter away in marriage, to come back now and say they will accept the burden of Terri's care, despite the husband saying Terri wouldn't want to live like this? And what if Terri DID have a living will saying that a feeding tube was "extream measures?" Would that give permission to the doctor's to let her go and pass or would the government call that murder?

None of these are easy questions. If they are easy questions, then you're either speaking from experience or you're speaking from ignorance. This is a subject NOT to be taken lightly. Do not think you can speak for God because you are not God. Do not think you can think for Terri or any other in her situation, because you are not that person.

You are alive.
You are living and breathing and reading this note.
You are capable of independent thought and I challenge you to consider every single aspect of this subject. Volunteer some time at a Hospice House or to help visit people in nursing homes. Take time out of your day to go and be with people who are literally BEGGING for attention and care... and barring that, begging to be let go.

It isn't easy. "No one said Life was easy," right? Well, they never said it was this damn hard either.

This is a very important subject, worthy of plenty more thought on it.

ANYHOW... sorry for not being around this weekend. My "idea" for a topic from You didn't exactly work out and... it was a busy weekend. I'll leave the offer open-ended though. Send me ideas. I'm here and will listen.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Common Sense is Dead.

I'm sure many of you have heard something about the teenagers hanging out at the doughnut shop on Wadley Ave. and that one kid was recently shot... "accidentally" there. Well, I feel this is a subject that deserves further discussion, but before I begin:

I do hereby disclaim that NO, I am not yet a parent.
I have the desire to be, and my wife and I plan to be.
Despite my not being a parent at this time does not in anyway
make my opinion any less valid on this subject.
I was once a teenager, as we all were. That gives me the right.
Now then, let's begin.
Teenagers... are stupid. They are selfish, self-centered, egotistical and self absorbed. The world revolves around them. Yes, there will be exceptions to the rule, but they are just that, the exceptions.
When a person is growing into adulthood, they are finding they have to make decisions for themselves. They want to know who and what they are; how to be liked or why they are not liked enough; what they need to be liked more, what is right and wrong and why things are considered such. Teenage years are all about exploring yourself and your bounds... and it can be very frightening.
As a sophomore at MHS, I looked up to my peers because they seemed to know who they were. They had values and convictions and seemed to stick by them. As I grew older and became a senior, I learned it was all a show. That confidence that I had such envy of was little more than graffiti on a wall, placed there as armor to defend oneself from the glaring eye of your peers. Some were better at it than others, but we all had some more growing up to do.
The other night at a doughnut shop here in Midland, a boy pointed a shot gun at a friend and shot him in the back. The story of "I thought it wasn't loaded" are out, but that doesn't make it any better. The truth of the matter is: a teenage boy took a shotgun ... pointed it at a friend ... and pulled the trigger. Thankfully the boy who was shot is not dead, but that's just plain luck.
So NOW the questions are going around: Where were the parents? Where did he get the gun? What were they doing hanging out that late at night? What the hell could he have possibly been thinking?
When I was 16, my father gave me my first gun, it was HIS first gun... a shotgun. I still have it today. We have birds and deer and even an elk mounted on my parent's walls, so I know very well what a gun can do. We took the gun out shooting and then hunting. I held a 'not yet dead' bird in my hand and pondered the effects of my actions. I've had fun with guns and I've peppered my Dad's friends company car from 100 yards away. (Sorry about that Dad... Guys!) But one thing I learned long before even that: you NEVER point a gun... not even a bb gun... at ANYONE! If you're going to point a gun at someone, you better be ready to accept that that life is in your hands, and live with the consequences of that action.
So then, why would an 18 year old boy point a gun at someone and pull the trigger? Because a parent didn't drive home the point of safety enough? Because he was being macho and thought he knew better? Because he was being a stupid teenager?
I think it was a combination of many things. No one has the answer, especially that teenager that pulled the trigger... and now he has questions that he'll be asking himself for the rest of his life.
My original intention was to come here and start pointing fingers. But the more I write and re-read, the more I realize that so much of it is falling back on something I've seen and known for years: Common Sense is anything but common. Logic... doesn't matter anymore. Opinions rule the day. Anyone can say anything they like. And so long as they argue it loud and clear, it doesn't even have to make sense!
I've studied Logic for years. Lack of the knowledge of it... is killing us as a society. It should be taught in the schools: starting at junior high and mandatory by high school. Perhaps then some of our young adults can formulate for themselves that Guns + Minors + Late night hanging out = Trouble.
Anyhow, guess I'll get off my soap box now.
PS: My best wishes and prayers go out to both families. This is a rough time, but things will get better. Take care.

Monday, March 14, 2005

Let's talk about YOU !!

Greetings weary web wanderer! Welcome back to Blogging for Midland. I am your host, John Boswell, your ever humble and charming reporter... coming to you almost LIVE from sunny Midland, Texas!

Well, I've had a rather busy weekend here. My wife and I celebrated our very First Anniversary yesturday! (Thank you, thank you!) We had an action packed weekend full of "color pin bowling" with the nephew and family, followed up by an anniversary breakfast Sunday morning. Last night, we went to the wedding (believe it or not) of my brother-in-law's mother and her new hubby, Bill Brindle. Congratulations to Patsy and Bill! Couldn't have picked a better day to be married on. ;)

Anyhow, this long weekend has left me a little tired. Between life and work, and they are two separate things, I'm feeling a little out of sorts and fresh out of ideas to write about today! SO... here is where YOU come in!

Let's talk about YOU! What do YOU want to talk about? What do you want to know? What do you want OTHER'S to know? I'd like to receive e-mails from my viewers on your idea's that you'd like to see talked about. It can be anything... let's talk! Just e-mail me at: and let's start a dialogue. If it is something PG and you'd like to get it out on the web for all the world to know, then I'm game!

Here lately, my little web log thingy here has been seeing roughly 50-75 hits per day. That's not too bad! (I think?) Well, I think it's pretty good, but what do I know? I DO know I've been mentioned in the MRT at least twice in the last week (/wave to my friends at the MRT: Tammy, Pamala, Yvonne, Stewart and everyone!) SO... if we get something put up here, chances are that it will get read. Who knows... someone might end up famous!

Got a story to tell?
Working on a book or song?
Are you a hero or do you know one?

Send me your ideas at: and let's talk! We'll get your story posted and on the net and who knows where it will take you?

All submissions must be received by midnight, Thursday March 17th. The winner get's posted on the blog and gets their story, commercial, idea left up for all the world to see all this coming weekend (till Sunday night).

Talk to me... tell me somethin'! Let's here all about YOU!!

Friday, March 11, 2005

Finding a home in Midland: A serious concern

I mentioned this once before, my growing conern for people looking for a place to live in Midland, but my concern is begining to grow.

Last Wednesday, I got several calls from people looking for a rent house. People moving to Midland, or even returning, coming from Amarillo, Ruidoso, Hobbs and parts unknown... all moving to Midland.

In just the last week, I had 3 vacancies come up. In less than a week, I have them rented back out again... just that quick. I hardly have to advertise, properties move so fast.

With all the work that the MDC is doing to bring in new busineses, not to mention the natural growth taking place in Midland, jobs are being created right and left. The Midland Reporter-Telegram posted an article today mentioning the fact that Midland has reached an all-time record for Midland's population. And despite all the new construction going on for new homes, demand is still high!

People need a place to live!

The number of houses avaliable on the multiple listing service for Realtors is continuing to drop... and we're at the cusp of our peak sales season! And if you think Midland has it bad, Odessa is even worse. They have fewer homes on the market right now than Midland does, and they are running out of places to build.

A lot of attention is being place on Gardendale right now as a new place to build. Development along F.M. 1788 is taking place, a North/South Road between Midland and Odessa has been on the rise and is seeing continued growth. With a new municiple water district going in sometime later this year (early next year at the latest) even more development will be taking place.

But the demand is Now! The need for new homes and rental properties is high and... just like the price of oil, I don't expect to see it drop for many years to come.

It would be a GREAT interest story for the MRT to look deep into this situation and put more attention on it. Builder's are needed right now to get busy and keep up with the demand. And not just for the $200,000 houses in Grasslands, but also for neighborhood improvement in the East side and South Midland. Development can take place in North Midland just East of Holiday Hill Road. East Midland, near the loop is another possibility but it would take developement.

There are many opportunities for areas of Midland to be developed, but we need to strike now before the new businesses show up, find nowhere to live and then move on to another city due to... SIMPLE lack of support!

This is a serious issue. I hope people look into the matter, consult a Realtor on what they can do and how they can help. Midland needs this assistance like never before!

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Fit For Life: A Midland sanctuary

As many of you know from previous posts, Aikido has been seeing some changes in Midland. Sensei Riggs has recently changed locations on where he is teaching the martial art of Aikido, made famous by Action Superstar Steven Seagal, and now I can tell you where we are at.

"Fit For Life" is a fitness and training center in the "B" building of the ABC Building near ClayDesta. Just south of the Post Office on Air Park, is a tucked-away little spot that looks simply like offices at first, as they used to be only that. But now, space has been transformed into a wonderful workout center for Midlander's of all walks of life.

Yvonne, owner and operator of Fit For Life, has agreed to let Sensei Riggs teach his aikido classes there in her aerobics studio while Sensei's NEW office is being remodeled, all in preparation of an August ribbon cutting. While we are training here, Sensei Riggs has agreed to allow Yvonne's clients, all members of Fit For Life who are interested, train in aikido with the rest of us! And let me tell you, it is something to see!

Last night was our first class in this location. There were four of us "regular students", two first time students and Sensei Riggs, all flying through the air just as before. Funny thing though, this time we had an audience! As the night went on, more and more FFL alumni gathered outside the room, looking through the glass doors and windows, all laughing and enjoying us as we threw each other to the ground. Aikido really is a blast!

Already, we've had several more inquiries about our practice and anticipate having many more students. Before too long, we will have twice the size of matting we used last night (30'x10') and soon find even THAT won't be enough!

For more information on Aikido of Midland, please contact Dr. John H. Riggs III at his office:

Alternative Chiropractic Solutions
Aikido of Midland
John Riggs, Sensei 4th degree black belt
Phone (432) 770-3155 or (432) 570-8792
Class: Tues., Wed. & Thur. 7 to 9 pm;
Specializing in traditional Hombu style Aikido. Please call for our new location address and details on training.

Being a Chiropractor, he may not be able to take your call right away, but he will return your call. For even more information, you can find us on the web at:

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Open House in Gardendale! (well... almost)

Good afternoon, friends! I'm back from another long day at work, but it's a job that I enjoy so... what can I say?

Today's events took me out to the cozy burb of Gardendale. John Williams, my broker at Williams & Assoc., is nearing completion on a spectacular new home on Goldenrod. We ran an advertisement in the Midland Reporter-Telegram in the "Gallery of Homes" section, which also announced today's Open House. Well... the weather just wasn't on our side. /sigh

Whatcha gonna do? It rained.

But, needless to say... we were open! Mr. Williams and I took the opportunity to put up some of the blinds in the house, survey the status of the construction and see what work is left to be done.

This really is one of John's BEST homes that he has ever built. A beautiful new four bedroom house with two and one half baths, it has a two car side entry garage... and beautiful country! Sitting on one acre, this home is warm and inviting, with many details of craftsmanship: custom hickory cabinets, keystone rock-work that is inner-twinned with the brick to create an eye catching display of simple elegance. Cliche'? Nah. It looks good!

During the coming week, we will repair and improve upon the roads and landscaping around the house. Due to the rain, it was almost impossible to actually get TO the house... thus shutting down the "open" house. But, it's nothing that can't be fixed; and it will be very soon.

Keep your eyes open for Gardendale in the coming year. There is a water utility due to go in very shortly and will take apx. six months to complete. Once completed, the shortage of water feeding Gardendale will come to an end and the town will bloom and prosper. Thankfully, we don't have that problem with this current endeavor... water wells are a good thing! However, soon it will no longer be needed and simply a matter of choice.

Call me at my office: (432) 694-9663 if you have any questions or would like to learn more about the "open house" that almost was! ;) Have a good one!

Friday, March 04, 2005

Coming this Sunday to a newspaper near you!

In the past few days, I have been speaking with Mr. Stewart Doreen, Managing Editor of the Midland Reporter-Telegram. It would seem "Blogging for Midland" has caught his eye, as have many other "blogs" of people in the Midland area.

This coming Sunday, March the 6th, an article will be coming out discussing blogs, the writers behind them and the "nature of the beast" so to speak. I'm anxious to read what he will have to say, especially about yours truly.

But more importantly, I'm learning here. By speaking up and making a few waves, I have managed to get attention of very important and influential people in Midland. The more I get to meet them, the more I learn and the greater my ability will become to get Midlanders informed on changes taking place all around us. VERY exciting stuff.

Mr. Doreen has told me of some upcoming meetings of the MDC and the MMMD, and I already intend to make these meetings a part of my regular schedule. Stay tuned as things develop! After all... I'm just getting started. ;)

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Downtown Midland: Committee's everywhere and "not a drop to drink..."

Tuesday, March 2nd, I had the priviledge of lunching with Ms. Shawn Ellison, Executive Director of Downtown Midland, Inc. She is a pleasant and very insightful person in charge of helping coordinate activities going on downtown, while at the same time trying to create more life via other entities such as Midland Development Corp. and the MMMD (Midland Municipal Management District).

We spoke at length about the immediate actions happening downtown. I was interested to hear that the razing of the old Midland Savings Bank at the corner of Colorado and Wall St. has been delayed. An article had come out not too long ago in the Midland Reporter-Telegram stating that the MMMD were taking title to the building and would have it down by late February or early March. Have you checked a calendar lately? They're behind schedule, but why? Upon further explanation, it would seem that the MRT had not reported the story very well. Important information had been left out and some things included that should not have been. The current owner of the building was understandably upset by what he read and had the somewhat reasonable reaction of... putting the brakes on things.

As I understand it now, progress is being made and the de-construction of the building is going to move forward, but closer to July or August. This is fortuitous as the work that is due to begin on Wall Street should be starting about that time! Yes, TXDoT and the City of Midland are indeed teaming up to completely revamp Wall St. from Big Spring to Weatherford? Maybe from "A" Street, I need to double check that. Regardless, the two projects will coincide so as to not double up on bringing traffic to a halt near the courthouse.

Now then, so we're finally going to get a nicer downtown: new sidewalks, benches, trees and the removal of eye sore property. What next? Well, some committees in town are concerned about parking. Other's are trying to raise funds to work with. Still other committees are working on bringing new businesses to downtown office spaces. And I have NO doubt that the list goes on!

If it is one thing I can't stand, its committees. Committees are groups of individuals that come together, argue, discuss and debate the issues, formulate a plan and goals and objectives... and feel that something has been accomplished. However, unless those "goals" are indeed a producible thing or service, unless the "goals" are specific and finite enough to be accomplished, nothing will ever come of it.

Since becoming interested in downtown Midland, I have learned of no less than 6 entities that have an interest in revitalizing downtown. I joked with my wife last night on forming a committee to do away with all the committees! After rolling her eyes at me, she politely informed me that there were such things as "Action Committees" that ensure everyone is on the same page and are making steady progress and not just talking about what needs to be done.

Interesting idea.

But first, I need to educate myself even more.

With all due respect to the committees and their members, I can not honestly say I know what they are all doing, nor do I know what they HAVE accomplished. The MDC for example doesn't say much about what they do until they've done it. For instance, the ground breaking for the new Enterada Industiral Park should be this week... but nothing in the paper yet. Maybe it's happening right now? Let's see... 10am on the 3rd? That does ring a bell. Regardless, I need to find out specifics on each committee and their actions in order to make a fair judgment and determine what should happen next.

Not that anyone cares what "I" have to say, but I can change that as well. I have a strong interest in the revitalization of downtown Midland. I have an even stronger interest in the diversification of Midland. We should ALL take an interest and get educated on what is happening in our fair city. Hopefully, if you just stick with me here on this blog, what I learn will become common knowledge for you and others... and we can all learn and move on together.

Or maybe I'm just yakkin'!!! Yak yak yak... yakitty yak yak! ;)

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Residential real estate: a rare commodity?

Across the nation, home sales have been seeing record numbers. From the east coast to the west, new home sales, resales and investments have seen staggering growth leaving many people wondering just how long this can go on. With lowered interest rates stretching into another year, the demand for homes is still on the move up. Rates can not remain at this level forever, but they have generated an unprecedented boom for the nations economy and have help bring to fruition the American Dream: the ability to own your own home.

Midland itself is in the middle of a housing flux that is a growing concern for Realtors such as myself. "We're running out of property to sell!" You can see it in their faces as you walk in the door. Your kindly real estate agent greets you, welcomes you to their office, sits down for an interview to find out just what you are looking for: 2 bedrooms or 3? garage? square footage? price range? The list goes on and on. But the sad thing is, at the end of this interview the odds are that you'll end up looking over a list of properties about 20 to 30 long. That's about it!

"Huh?" That's correct. In almost any price range in Midland, the inventory of houses is rather limited. Homes under the price of $100,000 are especially low in quantity. "But how can this be?" Glad you asked. I asked myself and others the same question. Here is what we found.

Throughout Midland, people are moving up! With interest rates so low, people who bought a house 10 years ago for apx. $100,000 can now afford a $200,000 house and still have the same monthly payment! Hey... that's a lot more house! So this then created an inventory of homes in the $100,000 range that were now affordable to people that could only afford less. Thus, they are taking a step up. People that were heretofore "renters" are now finding that they can afford to buy and are finding it easier to do so than ever before. On top of all this, with Midland's new bout of growth... people are moving to Midland in droves and are becoming our new renters.

Demand is up for residential property across the boards: rent property, new homes, resales, you name it! Prices have been going up recently despite it all, finding a vacancy in this town is a hard thing to do! On a daily basis, I can personally find myself taking ten calls each day from people looking for a place to live... and I just don't have it right now! I have great tenants! All my properties are filled up and the chances of someone moving are slim and none!

What does this mean for you? Well, let me tell you. For anyone in Midland with a home, apartment, guest house or money to invest... you are sitting on the opportunity of a lifetime! We can find a way to create rental property for you that can do many things: 1) Make your mortgage payment for you. Instead of being foreclosed on, rent a place for yourself and rent your home for a profit! 2) Build equity. If you own your home, or have inherited a property in Midland, you can hold on to it and turn it into a monthly payment that goes directly to you! 3) Save for the future! Property you own now can pay for itself now... but as you near retirement, if you don't want to worry about taxes on an extra house... sell it! That investment will now become liquid assets: Money.

Currently, my office Williams & Assoc. is building townhomes all over Midland. These properties are selling around the $80,000 range and are beautiful, new, easy to take care of and best of all: affordable! Couples are living in one side and renting out the other for spare income. Single mothers are getting a nice, new, secure home for themselves and their children. Retirees are finding a low maintenance estate that cares for itself and is comfortable and easy to relax in.

I'm not ususally one to toot my own horn, but I gotta tell you, there are so many ways to not just save yourself some money in today's Midland market, but ways to make money as well! If you had any idea what your property was worth... think again! I'll bet you dollars to doughnuts its worth more than you think.

Give me a call and let's see what we can find that is best suited for you! Call (432) 694-9663 and ask for John Boswell. Mr. Williams is "John" too, so you need to ask for me. Just ask for the "good looking guy," or humble. Either one works. ;)

Have a great day!